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TEM-104-K is a multifunctional microprocessor device with a built-in alphanumeric indicator. The values of the measured, calculated and setting parameters are indicated on a two-line alphanumeric liquid crystal indicator mounted on the front panel of the measuring and computing unit (IVB). It consists of an IVB and a primary flow converter PRPC and thermal converters connected to it.

TEM-104-KV is a multi-system, multi-channel, composite, multifunctional microprocessor device with a built-in alphanumeric indicator. The principle of operation of the heat meter is based on the measurement of the parameters of the coolant in the pipelines and the subsequent determination of the consumed amount of heat (thermal energy) and power by processing the measurement results.

Heat meter TEM-104-KU is an apartment heat meter of ultrasonic principle of operation. It combines high reliability, due to the absence of moving elements, resistance to conductive deposits and optimal cost.



All ARVAS products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant ARVAS: heat meters, flow meters, automatic temperature controllers, data transfer adapters, thermal converters, dispatch systems, interface converters, signal converters, control cabinets, mounting units, pumps, heat meter cabinets, connection cables, line output adapters, wireless communication adapters, mud filters
  • Heat meters of group accounting ARVAS
    Heat meters of group accounting
    TEM-104, TEM-116, etc.
  • Apartment heat meters ARVAS
    Apartment heat meters
    TEM-104K, TEM-104-KV, etc.
  • Liquid flow meters ARVAS
    Liquid flow meters
    RSM-05-03, etc.
  • Temperature controllers ARVAS
    Temperature controllers
    ART-01, ART-05, etc.
  • Thermal converters ARVAS
    Thermal converters
    TSPA, TSPA-K, etc.
  • Data Transfer Adapters ARVAS
    Data Transfer Adapters
    APD-01PU, ABS-07, etc.
  • Assembly units ARVAS
    Assembly units
    PRP, PRPm, etc.
  • Automation cabinets ARVAS
    Automation cabinets
    SHA-01, SHA-05, etc.
  • Heat meter cabinets ARVAS
    Heat meter cabinets
    PCS , etc .
  • Shut-off and control valves ARVAS
    Shut-off and control valves
    KR , etc .
  • Dispatch systems ARVAS
    Dispatch systems
    ASTEM, TEM-GSM, etc.


ARVAS is a Belarusian manufacturer of devices for measuring and regulating heat energy and measuring the flow of liquid media. Over 20 years of successful work, more than 50 new types of devices have been developed and put into mass production. The management and employees of the company attach special importance to technical development and promising developments.
  • Scope of application

    Enterprises of heat networks, heat points of residential and industrial buildings, heat networks of household facilities, telemetry control systems, measuring systems and information networks for data collection.
  • Development and developments

    The company's management attaches special importance to technical development and promising developments, the quality of mass-produced products, and the maintenance of manufactured products.
  • Product Quality

    In 2004, the company introduced an international quality management system in accordance with the requirements of STB ISO 9001-2001. In February 2011, the company received a certificate of compliance with the quality management system of STB ISO 9001-2009.

Information Board ARVAS

Learn more about our products ARVAS.
  • Price list for ARVAS equipment. из каталога АРВАС
    Price list for ARVAS equipment.
  • Price list for assembly units. в магазине АРВАС
    Price list for assembly units.
  • ARVAS equipment catalog. в магазине АРВАС
    ARVAS equipment catalog.
  • TEM-104 heat meter order card производства АРВАС
    TEM-104 heat meter order card
  • TEM-104-K heat meter Order Card в магазине АРВАС
    TEM-104-K heat meter Order Card
  • RSM-05.03 Flow meter order card марки АРВАС
    RSM-05.03 Flow meter order card
  • RSM-05.05 Flow meter order card от производителя АРВАС
    RSM-05.05 Flow meter order card
  • RSM-05.07 flow meter order card производства АРВАС
    RSM-05.07 flow meter order card
  • The order card of the automatic temperature controller ART-01. производства АРВАС
    The order card of the automatic temperature controller ART-01.
  • The order card of the automatic temperature controller ART-05. на сайте АРВАС
    The order card of the automatic temperature controller ART-05.
  • Order card for automation cabinets SHA изготовителя АРВАС
    Order card for automation cabinets SHA


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