Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

Shipping within Russia

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Pick up your order from the warehouse closest to you or directly from the ARVAS factory.

Export of Products

Export of ARVAS products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All ARVAS products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant ARVAS: heat meters, flow meters, automatic temperature controllers, data transfer adapters, thermal converters, dispatch systems, interface converters, signal converters, control cabinets, mounting units, pumps, heat meter cabinets, connection cables, line output adapters, wireless communication adapters, mud filters
  • Heat meters of group accounting ARVAS
    Heat meters of group accounting
    TEM-104, TEM-116, etc.
  • Apartment heat meters ARVAS
    Apartment heat meters
    TEM-104K, TEM-104-KV, etc.
  • Liquid flow meters ARVAS
    Liquid flow meters
    RSM-05-03, etc.
  • Temperature controllers ARVAS
    Temperature controllers
    ART-01, ART-05, etc.
  • Thermal converters ARVAS
    Thermal converters
    TSPA, TSPA-K, etc.
  • Data Transfer Adapters ARVAS
    Data Transfer Adapters
    APD-01PU, ABS-07, etc.
  • Assembly units ARVAS
    Assembly units
    PRP, PRPm, etc.
  • Automation cabinets ARVAS
    Automation cabinets
    SHA-01, SHA-05, etc.
  • Heat meter cabinets ARVAS
    Heat meter cabinets
    PCS , etc .
  • Shut-off and control valves ARVAS
    Shut-off and control valves
    KR , etc .
  • Dispatch systems ARVAS
    Dispatch systems
    ASTEM, TEM-GSM, etc.


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